Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yesterday a teacher mentioned about eat,pray and love. He said if a person can get all these three things, he/she is considered complete. Two years ago, i only had 'Eat'. All i could do was to eat and eat all the time. I didn't think much about 'God' or 'Love'. I lost my directions and my soul. I was totally lost. I had a body without a soul. Really pathetic, rite?
Anyway, this year in July, i started to find 'Pray'. I started to talk to God. I started to find my own directions. Indirectly, the 'Pray' brought me 'Love'. I found 'Love' in August. Only God knows how  the 'Love' can come to me...

So, I told the teacher that i have 'Eat, Pray and Love' now. What more can i ask??? I am satisfied and contented with what i have now... Hopefully these three things can lead to eternal happiness... hehe...
So to my friends out there, do find your 'eat, pray and love'... ;)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NEw friend Found!

Jeff... Mr Rabbit...

Hello Frens...

Time passes really fast... Now it's oredi 2010... aiyooo so fast and we are getting older and older. How's everybody? Hope still breathing and kicking...hehe